B4: Broadway

The Lion King
The Lion King on broadway was a magical performance. I have seen several broadway shows and this one has really blew me away. The show felt so real and I felt connected with the people playing their characters. The animals were breathtaking, for example the elephant was huge and when it came on stage you could hear the audiences excitement. The lights displayed for each of the scenes were astounding, the way it symbolized the good and dark times, as well as intense and peaceful ones. The lights were so bright and colorful which made the performance addicting too watch. The props and costumes made the performance really set the whole tone of the environment. To see these humans look so animal like and perform so in sync with one another is incredible. When the humans move with their animals as puppets, you see how intense and talented you have to be to really act out the animal and know what movements to make along with listening to the music.
Cats on Broadway was a production that was first performed in 1981. This show was so famous and worldwide, it reached it 20 countries as well performed in 10 different languages. I was able to see this beautiful performance and enjoyed every part of it. The characters were dressed like full on cats and acted as them too. When the lights would turn off, you could see a bright pair of eyes all over the place, it looked like stars. The way the cats crawled and danced was so angelic and striking. At my dance school, Darcy's Academy of Dance, we performed the show Cats. When we went to go see the play we got a true connection see what we had to act and be like as a cat and perform that way. It was cool to be able to see this production and be a part of it. The show had crazy lights and people would go in the audience interacting with people sitting down. Cats is an extravagant piece of art work that so much thought and time was produced into it.
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